FarSync Flex

The FarSync Flex USB adapter has been developed to provide high performance sync and async communications support for Linux and Windows systems with multiple line signalling modes.



The FarSync Flex  USB adapter is a high quality synchronous solution for business, government and military applications, using the FarSite customisable communications controller it has been developed to provide a high performance, neat, durable and versatile connectivity for Linux and Windows systems.

The bus powered USB adapter will support a synchronous line at speeds of up to 3 Mbits/s continuous. The highly flexible universal network connector supports RS232, X.21, RS530 (RS422 signaling), RS449 , RS485 and V.35 network interfaces.

The adapter can support the host computer’s TCP/IP protocol stack or an Application can be written to use the low level API for a variety of different functions. The FarSync Flex SDK provides a Developers Toolkit for the product.

The Flex can be used for line monitoring with the addition of a special Monitor cable. A monitoring application is included. The monitoring support is also compatible with Wireshark.

For DAB connections the FarSync Flex supports ETI (NI, V.11) and STI (PI, V.11).

Technical specifications / functionality in detail

For Windows, configuration is by a GUI application. A typical screen is shown below.

The port can be reconfigured and restarted without reloading the software.

There is context sensitive help and an on-line manual should it be required. An advanced tab permits users to further specify the configuration of the port if necessary.

For Linux, a configuration utility is provided; alternatively text files can be used.

sync line configuration example
Configuration of a port

Order information

The software firmware, drivers, utilities are included with the FarSync adapter. Cables are ordered separately.

The software and documentation is downloaded from this website using a code supplied with the FarSync adapter, it includes:

  • Drivers for Linux and Windows
  • Source code for Linux drivers
  • Network monitor and various useful utility programs
  • USB connected adapters include a USB-F cable

New releases of the software with enhancements and fixes are made available for free download from the Download page in the Support section of this web site.

The Developer’s Toolkit is ordered separately and supplied as a download