Software download
FarSync Device Software
FarSync Device Software for Windows
Software Identification Code: AA0723C-01
Software: FarSync Device Software
Operating System: Windows
Due to changed Microsoft driver signing requirements, in addition to downloading the full product software set listed below, also download the latest Windows device drivers using the link in Step 1 and use these instead of the drivers in the full product set.
This release is for all the current FarSync adapters including the FarSync Flex version 3.
The new driver included in this release must be used with FarSync Flex V3 but is also backwards compatible with FarSync Flex V2.
See for more information about processing zip files in Windows.
Step 1 – Download latest signed Windows device drivers
Updated signed device drivers are available for 64-bit versions of Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012.
These replace the device drivers included in the main product set.
Click on and download the .zip file.
For .zip files in Windows, locate the downloaded zip file in Windows Explorer, right-click the zip file and choose Extract All.
Step 2 – Download the full product software set
Right-click each file below and use Save As… to download the file.
For .zip files in Windows, locate the downloaded zip file in Windows Explorer, right-click the zip file and choose Extract All.
Once extracted, replace the drivers folder with the equivalent folder downloaded in Step 1.
Then open the file index.html in a web browser to view the product documentation and follow the installation instructions there.
Readme file for this release of the software
FarSync Device Software for Linux
Software Identification Code: AC1218C-01
Software: FarSync Software
Operating System: Linux
The FarSync Drivers for Linux software support the FarSync range of PCI
cards, PCI Express cards and USB devices that provide connectivity with
synchronous serial data communications lines.
This includes support for the following cards/devices:
. FarSync T2U-PMC
. FarSync TE1e
. FarSync Flex
. FarSync T2Ue
. FarSync T4Ue
. FarSync T2Ee
The FarSync K2Ee card requires the V5 driver available here
V4.0.0 is a major release with fixes and enhancements to the previous
version (farsync-2.3.6-b307) as listed in the Readme file available below.
Please note that as of release 4.0.0, the following support is being deprecated:
. WAN-mode
. 32-bit support
. Network script support
. RAW API mode
These features are no longer supported in the subsequent major release (5.0.0) of the FarSync Drivers for Linux.
The V4 drivers support Linux kernel versions <= 5.19. For later kernel versions, the V5 drivers (or later) should be used.
Please note that FarSite can still offer maintenance and support for the Release 4.0.0 drivers for existing customers.
If you require support for any of these features, please contact moc.etisraf@troppus to discuss this further.
To install this release:
Right-click each file below and use Save As… to download the file.
For .tar.gz files, locate the downloaded tar.gz file in a command shell and use the following command to extract the contents
tar -zxvf farsync_4.0.0-b408.tar.gz
Once extracted follow the instructions in the install.html file at the top level.
FarSync Drivers for Linux 4.0.0 software and resources
Readme file for this release of the software
Readme file for this release of the software