FarSync X.25 for Windows Release 5.1.0 May 2024 (for x64 versions of Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2016) ******************************************************************** *** New in Version 5.1.0 *** This release includes support for both Windows 11 and the FarSync K2Ee PCIe card. The following legacy support has been removed from this release: 1) WAN for Windows 2) 32-bit versions of Windows If support is required for one or more of these items, or for an earlier version of Windows, then it is recommended that you use the previous version (5.0.3) Note that the deprecated NCB-based API is still included in this release but is due to be removed in the next release. *** New in Version 5.0.3 *** This release supports Windows 10. Support for the depricated Async API and X.25 Modem has been removed. *** New in Version 5.0.2 *** Updated to the latest FarSync and Flex drivers. *** New in Version 5.0.1 *** T4Ee support including support for encoded data (FM0, FM1, MAN and DMAN) and Terminal Timing. Support for 64 bit native applications for the Winsock2 and HDLC API's. *** New in Version 4.1.0 *** T2Ee support including support for encoded data (FM0, FM1, MAN and DMAN) and Terminal Timing. *** New in Version 4.0.3 *** This release included support for the FarSync T4E+ The T4E+ supports a range of encoding options including NRZ, FM0, FM1, Manchester & Differential Manchester (DMAN). ******************************************************************** ================================= CONTENTS 1. RESTRICTIONS & KNOWN PROBLEMS 2. X.21 DUAL CLOCKING 3. REMOVING FARSYNC X.25 ================================= 1. RESTRICTIONS & KNOWN PROBLEMS Check the support section of www.farsite.com for updates, or email: support@farsite.com for more information. 1.1 Power-Saving The FarSync X.25 driver does not support power-saving. The PC must therefore NOT be configured to go into standby mode. 1.2 Multiple FarSync Adapters This version of the FarSync X.25 driver does not support adapters with devices numbered SDCI4 or higher. In addition, it does not support the port D on SDCI3 (i.e. SDCI3\3). 1.3 High speed lines with the FarSync Flex Under conditions of high stress with line speeds of 512kbps or more, it is possible that the X.25 link may very occasionally reset, dropping all active calls. The link should continue afterwards without the need for intervention. 1.4 Signal states when cable unplugged If a port is configured for internal clocking, and the cable is unplugged, then the FarSync X.25 Configuration program may not necessarily report the correct modem signal states (CTS, DCD & Carrier). 1.5 RR Poll Timeout configuration The X.25 driver does not support values for the RR Poll Timeout of more than 65 seconds (although the configuration program will allow higher values to be set). 1.6 Incorrect Reporting of line control signals When an X.25 port has been created and is started with the X.25 Port Manager, the state of the line signals may be incorrect. However, if you quit and restart the X.25 port manager application, the state of the line signals will be reported correctly. 2. X.21 DUAL CLOCKING Some of the FarSync T-Series cards support a dual-clocking mode for X.21, in which there are separate clock circuits for transmit and receive data. This would normally be used in conjunction with internal clocking, so that each end of the link is responsible for providing the clock for its own transmit data, thus ensuring that the clock and data remain properly synchronised. With any synchronous device that is capable of generating a clock for a slave device, there is a problem with the phasing of the clock in relation to the data transmitted by the slave device. The phase shift will only cause a problem at certain combinations of line speed and cable length. It is very difficult to predict the combinations in advance, as line interface devices in the FarSync card and other connected equipment introduce further variable delays. Dual-clocking is therefore typically required only at high speeds and/or with long cable lengths. The use of dual-clocking results in the loss of the Indication circuit (which is used for the receive clock). If you require this feature please contact support@farsite.co.uk for details of the cable modifications required. 3. REMOVING FARSYNC X.25 To remove FarSync X.25 correctly, perform the following steps. Close any open applications that may be using the FarSync X.25 card. Stop any running lines: go to Start->Programs->FarSync X.25->X.25 Configuration, select each line in turn, and press the Stop button. Remove the FarSync X.25 Run-time: run the Add/Remove Programs Wizard (found within the Control Panel - go to Start->Settings->Control Panel); Select FarSync X.25 Run-time, and press the Remove button. Similarly, remove any other installed FarSync X.25 components, such as the developer resources and the FarSync Line Monitor. Uninstall the FarSync hardware: run the Device Manager (right click My Computer and select Manage, then browse to Device Manager); expand FarSync WAN Adapters, right click the card to be removed and select Uninstall. You will need to shut down the computer and remove the FarSync hardware to complete the removal process.